
Vitamin B12 Injections

At Newton Pharmacy, we offer a convenient and professional Vitamin B12 injection service to help you maintain optimal health and energy levels.

  • Prescription Required: Please bring a valid prescription from your healthcare provider.
  • Script Filling: We can fill your Vitamin B12 prescription on-site.
  • Injection Service: Our trained pharmacists will administer the Vitamin B12 injection for you.
  • Fee: The injection service fee is $15 (this does not include the cost of the Vitamin B12 vial).
  • Appointments available: Monday all day, Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 12 noon.

Book an appointment now, or visit us at Newton Pharmacy during the hours listed above for a quick and easy Vitamin B12 boost!

Contact us if you have any questions

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    Newton Pharmacy

    We're here for our Auckland community. Taking care of your health needs from our pharmacy on Karangahape Road.